Its been awhile.And I'm recieving instructions from various sources to update my blog.
The only reason I've been avoiding it is because I can't seem to find something to blog about.Or rather too many things have been going on and I can't pick just one and blog about it extensively.I dont' want my blog to turn into a "Dear diary..." entry either.Hmmm....
One thing I 've been absolutely horrified about is the steep incline of crime rate against innocent children.The baby with 26 stab wounds, the kids being tortured at school with corporal punishment, the female foetuses found in wells and garbage bins, the mother who tried to drown her little children...I mean what really is the world coming to?!?
I cannot even begin to comprehend what kind of twisted fiend would stab a little, vulnerable, innocent baby boy.What was the moron thinking???Was it his/her idea of some recreation or some sort of outlet to psychotic thoughts???Whatever the answer, the incident shocked,disgusted and sickened me all at once.
It was quite disturbing to know that prejudice against female offspring still looms large all over the country.How can one engineer the gender of one's unborn child to make it suitable to one's whims and fancies?And why should the hapless and helpless child have to pay with her life for what is clearly the best example of society's idiocy?The standard response to why people shun baby girls is "a girl means added burden of saving up for her dowry.Besides she could get pregnant and bring shame to the family.Why have a liability when we can have a son who'll earn and bring the bread home?"To all of you who say that, where are you going to go when there'll be no women left to give birth to your 'precious sons'?This issue infact was excellently brought out in a movie called Maathrubhoomi.It was gory and almost repulsive but it conveyed the message with unforgettable strength.
Then there's the abandon-your-baby spree thats been going on in full swing these days.Reasons why the infants are abandoned generally prejudice against the baby's gender, lack of funds to raise the child, shame at bringing an illegitimate child into the world, anger at the child's father or mother(!!!) etc. In a hypocritical, narrow minded country like ours I think there's no remedy to gender prejudices.Its just bloody pointless.All the protests and movements that are planned make only a meagre change,if any.However lack of funds to raise a child stumps me as a reason to abandon one's own flesh and blood.If you can't afford children,why procreate?My father's answer to that was "sex is the only recreation poor people can afford".Right.There are products called contraceptives in the market, some of which have been made affordable even to the lower strata of society.Lets suppose the people in question can't afford those either, in that case, shouldn't they be looking for means to survive rather than throwing themselves at the first person who comes across?Its just irresponsibility at its worst.I'm probably being too harsh but why subject a child to a lifetime of misery just to get one night's worth of fun?
These sort of things anger me more than anything else.
Oh and other bizarre incidents include either one of the parents killing the kids because of "family feud".
Mankind's sensibility seems to have gone absconding permanently.
strong post there. but a very very good one..
even educated ppl end up wantin to hav male children!
the craze wil remain a craze in this country, unless lord takes another avtar and comes in human form exclusively for this...
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