My dearest,
I’ve been relatively idle the last few days and as a consequence my thoughts have been running amok like a crazed chimp on a rampage. This post is a product of one those moments but rather heartfelt all the same.
Your 12-message-long sms had me grinning today in the midst of what was supposedly a solemn ceremony. You’re one of the very few people I’ve met who doesn’t get bored with people just because of familiarity. You’ve no clue what a colossal relief it is considering the fact that I can bore brain-dead people back to life.
What’s also relieving is that you think I’m worth pursuing. Quite literally, because you seem to like following me around the house idly and even end up standing beside me sometimes, looking at my reflection in the mirror while I line my eyes with kohl.
Talking about mirror images, one image of yours comes readily to my mind when I think of you. Location : the Marina Beach. Time : 7pm. We were sitting side by side, a little away from the sea. You held me close, your arm wrapped around my shoulders. My head fit perfectly under your chin. In the course of conversation I looked up at you as you laughed. What I saw that moment I will remember forever. Your laughing countenance against the backdrop of the clear, starry, beautiful night sky. Priceless.
Billy Joel’s “Just the way you are” is playing in the background while I write this. The lyrics remind me of you. Direct and straightforward. No frills. Exactly the way I like it.
I’ve come to love your system of ‘fluid plans’ (I really do!). Going from being a person who had to have every moment in her life scheduled and planned, the trip to being a follower of the ‘fluid plan religion’ has been rather rewarding and enjoyable. Anything’s fun when its with you and your ‘evil laugh’.
Your fondness for animated movies earned major brownie points with me. Especially the fact that you love Shrek 1 & 2. Even though you weren’t really eager to see Happy Feet, you came along just because I wanted to and ended up enjoying it. So much so that days afterwards, when we saw two li’l kids energetically tapping their feet on their way out of the multiplex theatre, you excitedly exclaimed “Happy Feet!” rather spontaneously, much to the pride of their mother.
Clichéd as it may sound, you’ve always been there for me from the moment we knew each other. Your habit of playing guardian to those you’re close to, puzzles me. I’ve no clue how an individual could have so much patience. You were always just a call away, quite literally. Of all the people I’ve ever known, you’re one of the very few who are genuinely interested in knowing loved ones inside out.
With you, I feel certain that even if I close my eyes for a while, you’ll still be there when I open them.
A darling husband, best buddy, faithful supporter, confidante, protector, generous provider, disciplinarian, trustworthy companion, unbiased critic – you’ve played every part to perfection.
I don’t know why it didn’t strike us before that we were more or less what each one of us was looking for.
I love you, Fred Flintstone.
Wilma Flintstone
I’ve been relatively idle the last few days and as a consequence my thoughts have been running amok like a crazed chimp on a rampage. This post is a product of one those moments but rather heartfelt all the same.
Your 12-message-long sms had me grinning today in the midst of what was supposedly a solemn ceremony. You’re one of the very few people I’ve met who doesn’t get bored with people just because of familiarity. You’ve no clue what a colossal relief it is considering the fact that I can bore brain-dead people back to life.
What’s also relieving is that you think I’m worth pursuing. Quite literally, because you seem to like following me around the house idly and even end up standing beside me sometimes, looking at my reflection in the mirror while I line my eyes with kohl.
Talking about mirror images, one image of yours comes readily to my mind when I think of you. Location : the Marina Beach. Time : 7pm. We were sitting side by side, a little away from the sea. You held me close, your arm wrapped around my shoulders. My head fit perfectly under your chin. In the course of conversation I looked up at you as you laughed. What I saw that moment I will remember forever. Your laughing countenance against the backdrop of the clear, starry, beautiful night sky. Priceless.
Billy Joel’s “Just the way you are” is playing in the background while I write this. The lyrics remind me of you. Direct and straightforward. No frills. Exactly the way I like it.
I’ve come to love your system of ‘fluid plans’ (I really do!). Going from being a person who had to have every moment in her life scheduled and planned, the trip to being a follower of the ‘fluid plan religion’ has been rather rewarding and enjoyable. Anything’s fun when its with you and your ‘evil laugh’.
Your fondness for animated movies earned major brownie points with me. Especially the fact that you love Shrek 1 & 2. Even though you weren’t really eager to see Happy Feet, you came along just because I wanted to and ended up enjoying it. So much so that days afterwards, when we saw two li’l kids energetically tapping their feet on their way out of the multiplex theatre, you excitedly exclaimed “Happy Feet!” rather spontaneously, much to the pride of their mother.
Clichéd as it may sound, you’ve always been there for me from the moment we knew each other. Your habit of playing guardian to those you’re close to, puzzles me. I’ve no clue how an individual could have so much patience. You were always just a call away, quite literally. Of all the people I’ve ever known, you’re one of the very few who are genuinely interested in knowing loved ones inside out.
With you, I feel certain that even if I close my eyes for a while, you’ll still be there when I open them.
A darling husband, best buddy, faithful supporter, confidante, protector, generous provider, disciplinarian, trustworthy companion, unbiased critic – you’ve played every part to perfection.
I don’t know why it didn’t strike us before that we were more or less what each one of us was looking for.
I love you, Fred Flintstone.
Wilma Flintstone
very very very pretty nisi! haaaaaaaaa really :)
wilma flinstone :D :D
well, sometimes, you jus dun realize a diamond's a diamond until time tells you........
ah, okie, that was crap. nevertheless, you got what i said :)
happy life, dear freddies! :)
someone is orey the dripping with loue!!! ;) Cute mach... It was very pretty!! Loved many lines, if i list them here, it'd look like i've rewritten ur post or something :D
ok i read it...and this is my reaction:
More happy that you can imagine...
:') me
cho cute.. :)
very very happy for you guys.. *tears of joy*
quute!..romance in the stoneage!
oooh! oooh! i wrote one from hitler tooooo... a bartender. don't even ask :) anyway, fond memories this post brings up. lol. was going thru your old blog.. good stuff there as well i say.
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