It's been a longish while since this blog saw anything even remotely resembling a post.As always I have the convenient excuse of "work" to provide when the truth is that I ended up focusing on the mundane-ness of everyday life too much and reached the conclusion that I'm not doing anything worth writing about.
Life has been quite active to say the least.Apart from working in shifts and playing my insignificant part in the endless soap opera of corporate life, I've been doing some financial planning, some relationship building, photography experimenting, mega loitering.....just being the restless person I've become.
My alma mater finally decided to organize our convocation. The invite found its way into my mail box (snail mail) last week.Accompanying the invite was an A4 size paper with do's and dont's printed on both sides.It started with the details like reporting time etc and ran into mind-boggling details like dress code, discipline (no clapping/cheering when students receive their degrees!), blah this blah that.By the time I was done reading, I thought my face would split wide open because of the grin the familiar instructions evoked.Added to that our faculty advisor also sent word through a classmate that we are expected to maintain complete "DISCIPLINE" (don't miss the capitalized emphasis).That consequently became the reason for quite an amusing discussion on an online community.The particular lady in question has this unforgettable way of pretending to be exasperated with her students and saying "Don't give trouble to me,girls!!!".I wonder if we'll ever stop being her "girls". She sure did get quite emotional on our last day in college.
So did all of us, the "girls".There was a lot of howling.Some couldn't imagine working/studying in a new place and the others were anxious as hell because of delay in finalising plans for the future.Looking back now,I think we've all done quite well for ourselves (me excluded) and its a little hard to believe that its been a year already.Was quite pleased to have A remark recently that I haven't changed at all.But thinking about it, I can see how we've all changed in little ways already.
The past year has seen us all trying to gain a foothold on the rocky terrains of adulthood (pardon the cliched usage).In the process, some of us have grown apart.Time certainly tests relationships.Only the strong ones with rock solid foundation and unfailing perseverance survive.That definitely is not easy to find and those who have some of that are pretty darn lucky.
The convocation should be a good time to catch up on news and gossip.A quick recap on fun times in the endless drudgery of being grown-up.After the convocation, we'll all go back to "the big bad world outside" again.Some more of us will lose touch, some will get married, raise families, construct illustrious careers...all of us will learn life's lessons.Only the memories of the three years and the parting tears that came after them will remain unchanged.