Wednesday, December 19, 2007


Blog update long overdue.Don't know what it is but just haven't gotten around to doing so.I notice that this space has become like a personal diary of sorts.Nothing along the lines of Bridget Jones though.Finally got my hands on a copy of the second part (The edge of reason).Was worth a read.Entertaining if nothing else.Kinda like those comedy shows on TV which you defintely wouldn't rate as great but you watch it because it makes you laugh anyway.

I'd made a lotta plans for this week since I'm off from work.However, all of them are down the drain along with the rainwater that been collecting from the incessent downpour.Bleagh.This confines me to home and gives my mum an excellent excuse to begin my "cooking lessons".

I'm bored bored bored bored bored.

If I could I'd just pack a backpack, some roadmaps, pile some music into my mp3 player, pick up a digicam, and go on a road trip.Not particularly in need of company.Just by myself.Just travel, explore, take my own time and not follow any hurried schedule.Connect with people who I know I'll never meet again.Read.Not keep in touch with anybody.Not answer any frantic calls demanding to know where I am and what I'm doing.Not be obligated to be at anyone's beck and call.Just coexist with the surroundings and absorb all that I see, hear, smell, touch and experience.Take a break from the noise in my head.All the insignificant worries that clamor over each other like a trough full of worms.I'd try and spend time with kids.They heal as much as they entertain.I wouldn't care how I looked.Wouldn't bother changing into contact lenses everyday, wouldn't line my eyes, wouldn't put on earrings.Just t-shirts, khakis, shoes,watch.Oh and deo (all important).Not care about what anyone thinks or says.Talk when I feel like, withdraw when I feel like.Just do what my gut tells me on a daily basis.Just be.