so my soul may hear;
speak unspoken words of love
Talk to my heart
and allay every fear,
send it soaring to the sky above
Call it fate or whatever, I somehow am a part of a 5 piece group,where each one of us have completely contrasting personalities. That of course has ensured that we've done some of the best projects in class.It has also ended up in some unhappy disagreements. We've all been annoyed with each other at some point or the other.But there have also been times when there's that single moment of bonding that makes one grin like an idiot and feel nice.
AR,T,AJ,H-I'd never claim to know you guys completely in and out.Thats impossible.But I have learnt quite a bit and as much as I'm longing to leave college,there are times when there is a quiet unease that these are probably the last times I'll walk into class,my eyes seeking for your familiar faces.Probably the last times I'll say 4 hellos before sliding between the last table and bench.The last times when I'll sit with you guys on the sand on the ground,cribbing about how boring and expensive canteen food has become.There won't be anymore birthdays with the not-so-surprising surprise birthday cake.
No grinning at double-meaning jokes with T and discussing some 'artistic' things.No baby talk and silly acting with AR.No bossing over AJ and making fun of her.No smacking my forehead and rolling eyes at H's sardarji jokes.No looking scandalised and embarassed looks at her notoriously loud laughter.No collective groaning when given extra work.
Its gonna be weird,you guys...
the fire-breathing-bad-tempered dragon.